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One day i was bored on a Saturday,so i built a space ship and went to mercury.When I got there I ran half a mile and it was around the sun by the time i went to my space ship,so I took notes,”very fast years”.A minute later I found a pickaxe and went mining in mercury,because I thought mercury was made out gold.When i dug deeper it got hotter ,so i jumped back up to the surface and wrote “very hot core”.Then i saw one hundred aliens with lazer guns shooting at me.I had a great idea and hid in a crater.After running it was nighttime.I was freezing.I wrote in my notebook “can go down to -270 ferinheit.After that I turned into a frozen popsicle,soon it was dayand i melted.10 minutes later i was flying off of mercury”AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH”!!! I grabed my notebook and wrote”0 gravity”. Then somehow i fell down.A meteorite came out of nowhere and hit me.I went flyng back to Earth.