
From what I learned taxes were a huge thing in between the 1770’s and the 1800’s . There is an approximite of 10 acts from taxes. They did this so they could rebuild what was destroyed from the French and Indian war. This made all of the colonist angry,because they had to pay for taxes that they couldnt pay for, so they refused to pay the taxes by burning them or even destroyed building. The Parliament couldn’t  do anything about it so they repealed the taxes.

2014/2015 Writing

2014-2014 was a awsome year,but from what I remeber the most about it was the last day at my lake house. That place brings back memories from when I was 3 years old,but my family made the best of it. We went tubing at 40 mph, and with the high waves you had no choice but to hang on. Also I got to travel 20 feet underwater with no gear! The pressure made my ears feel like they were gonna pop!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2015- The most exciting event this year will be going ziplining about 200 feet off the ground! It will be dark, and we will see beautiful lights,so my mind will be off the fact of what might will happen if the cable line snaps. After realizing that my grandma is coming I gained more confidence. Since I’m afraid of heights this will be a big thing, and i might remember the experince for the rest of my life.

Happy Mothers Day

One funny moment I had with my Mom was when we were joking with my baby brother. All we had to say was “no” to him,and he would hit you in the face. Well, while I was playing my tablet he came up and pulled my hair and dragged my hair all across the room.It may had hurt ,but it was worth it. I’m sure by the time I got to my room,I could hear my mom laugh so hard it sounded like an excited seal. After that, I guessed he wanted me to play with him, so i did. That was probably the most funniest thing that ever hapened to me and my mom.

Row your site

Did you know that copperheads live in forests, woodlands, rocky hills, and swamps? Also they are pousinous. These snakes can live up to 20 years. That is older than me! Their predators are racoons, hawks, opossums, and coyotes.



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3rd grade reflections

In reading I learned how rollercoasters work and wen and where the first rollercoaster was made. I struggled with division. I got suprised when I knew how many questions where in the staar test. When i got dissapionted this year is when i made a bad grade on math.