When people make fun of me
I hate myself
They just don’t know
My true intellegence
When they say
Positive things
I don’t care about
My disability
When they say
The one word
I just wanna, kick, scream, shout
When people make fun of me
I hate myself
They just don’t know
My true intellegence
When they say
Positive things
I don’t care about
My disability
When they say
The one word
I just wanna, kick, scream, shout
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In the twenty-first century we have created another way to communicate to people around the world, but it has its. For some people, it has created a new world of opportunities. These are ways that communicating with technology,and person are great. They can both show emotion,like you can see people do “Emoji’s”,and you can see people smile. Also,you’re interacting with a person;like one of your friend’s. Another way,You can have a conversation, you can use Skype.You can meet new people, Like adding a random person on Facebook, or just saying something to a guy walking down the street. Lastly,seeing each other is possible with either way, you can “Facetime” or see each other in person!
Communicating using technology and in person have many differences.For example, you can get a conversation done faster with technology than talking in person.Also, people can communicate from all over the world using phones, or computers!Another way is, when texting, you may type in all caps, and people can think you’re yelling. Trust is a reason that talking with technology is more dangerous. For example, somebody could pretend to be a friend, and tells you to share private information. When talking in person, you can see other peoples emotion, and it can make you feel the same way too, but talking with technology is honestly nowhere near giving us a feeling; it’s a bit boring.