During the great depression,1931, Hazel’s father loses his job from the bottling factory. Since there family were broke Hazel couldn’t practice baseball with her pop, so she decides to go and play with her neighbor in their backyard. They refused to let her play because she was a girl. A couple days later Hazels neighbors come over and ask if anyone wanted a baseball ticket. Hazel snatched it from her hand and ran to the Lookouts game. The only reason she wanted to go there was because the Lookouts had a new pitcher that was a girl. Her name was Jackie Mitchell. Whenever she had to pitch against Babe Ruth, the legend, she struck him out with 95mph balls. Next up was Lou Gehrig and she instintly struck out Lou, but he had a little bit more dignity when he got out. After that game the neighbor hood boys realized that girls can play baseball, and allowed Hazel to join in with them.